The user interface is simple to understand. Its the modified date heading and I have no third party software on my Mac that could be changing the dates. When you have downloaded the application, you will be presented with the CloudMounter window.
Using CloudMounterĪ personal license for CloudMonter retails at $29.99+VAT, but you can try it out for 14 days free of charge (as always, I recommend trialling software before handing over any money to make sure it does what you need).

For 29.99 lifetime plan, you will get all the above. CloudMounter simplifies cloud data encryption with the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 256-bit.

And while your cloud storages become easy to access for you in Finder app, you can make them well-protected and secure with the help of encryption feature. FTP/SFTP Connection: Connect to your web servers through standard or secure FTP protocols, map FTP as local drive in Finder & access your online files as local ones. You can use CloudMounter as an FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Dropbox, OneDrive client for Mac. Hard drives seem a better option at this time given the pricing of cloud storage, but I love the idea of mapping Dropbox as a local drive particularly as I have so much unusued storage to use on Dropbox. Amazon S3 Browser & pCloud: Store any number of files of any size in your Amazon S3 or pCloud & get easy access to them. In the short term, I don't think Dropbox/CloudMounter is the right solution for me for archiving old YouTube videos. For example, I may work on a project today, and tomorrow it will say that the last Date Modified was 5 months ago. I use Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive occasionally and use Amazon S3 for server backups, but its CloudMounter's support for Dropbox that peaked my interest as I have been using the premium version of Dropbox for years and I am currently only using around 10% of my 1TB allocation. The Modified Date is very important to my workflow and I can confirm this is the OneDrive feature that changes it almost every time you open a document to view it. I have many projects that I work on and the Date Modified is always wrong.