The iOS app with mobile timer feature allows you to manually start and stop a timer on the app, fill in your idle time gaps, get a remote view of the office and see how teams are performing, what projects/programs they're working on, who's been late and more. Desktime also supports automatic screenshots. Additionally, generate custom reports for in-house use or your customers, plan employee vacations and time offs, calculate overtime pay, and store your team member's contact information in one place. DeskTime is a simple and secure time tracking app that lets you increase your company's effectivity and productivity. can export the timesheets at particular intervals and take activity screenshots.

This shows you exactly what theyre working on and how active they. See how you and your employees spend their time online and offline, track time by projects, and automatically calculate their costs based on workers' hourly rates. DeskTime is a fully automated time tracking system designed to measure. Hubstaff takes automatic and random screenshots while your team works. You can showcase the project progress with screenshots and advanced reports about various tasks to your clients using timeTracko Client Access Sharing.

Well compare timeTrackos features with Desktime and explain why its better.
DeskTime is fully automatic time tracking software that has proven to boost employee productivity by 30% within the first weeks of using it. DeskTime Alternative There are many advantages to using timeTracko instead of DeskTime.